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Meals For The Elderly - Homepage
(325) 655-9200

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information
How is the program funded?

We are funded completely by donations, gifts, grants, planned gifts, and fundraisers. We are not a government agency so we rely on the generosity of our community to continue our services. 

Where are you located?

Our mailing address is 310 E. Houston Harte, San Angelo, TX 76903. We are located north of Loop 306, on the service road between Main St. and Oakes. 

How can I get more information?

Please feel free to call our office at (325) 655-9200.

Where do you get your food?
All meals are prepared in our building by our kitchen staff.
Do you charge for your services?

We do not charge recipients for meals. There are no income restrictions to be on our program and we do not take or file insurance of any kind. No one is ever approved or denied services based on their ability to make a voluntary contribution toward the cost of the services that they receive. Recipients may donate towards the cost of their food if they wish, but it is not required. 


If I can't afford to make a donation, can I still receive meals?

Yes, no one is denied service because they are unable to make donations.

What cities do you deliver to?

Currently we serve seniors in:

San Angelo, Barnhart, Carlsbad, Christoval, Eden, Eola, Grape Creek, Harriet, Mereta, Mertzon, Miles, Millersview, Orient, Paint Rock, Sherwood, Vancourt, Veribest, Vick, Wall, and Water Valley


Who will deliver the meal and what time will the meal be delivered?

Meals are delivered by community volunteers between 10:00-1:00 each week day. We will be closed for certain holidays, but clients will be told ahead of time and a frozen meal will be sent out prior to heat up on the closure day.

What kind of meals do you serve?

We offer a wide variety of meals each day. Each client will receive a hot, nutritious lunch each weekday. All meals meet 1/3 of the recommended dietary allowances for seniors and our menus are approved by a registered dietician. Meals will consist of protein, grains, vegetables, and fruit or dessert. We offer additional frozen meals upon request, for those who need them.

Can I order what I like, or substitute for meals I do not like?
No. We have a fixed menu for each day.
What other resources are available?
We have a Case Manager on staff who provides in-home assessments for each client to assess the needs for additional resources. We also provide supplemental pet food for those with companion pets.
How quickly can service start?

Once we have all of the needed paperwork, meals can start within three to five days once the application is complete.

Who can receive Meals For The Elderly?  What are the requirements?

Home-delivered meals are available to people who live in Tom Green County, Irion County, Concho County & Miles, who are primarily homebound, are physically or mentally unable to prepare nutritious meals for themselves, and have no one to help them on a regular basis. Applicants under the age of 65 must provide a doctor's note stating their illness or disability and how it affects their mobility.

What if I have a food allergy?  Can you make sure I get a meal without certain foods?

At this time, we are not able to customize meals. If you have a known food allergy, you should be sure to avoid that food in the meal.

How can I make a donation for my meals?
A client letter is sent out to every client around the first of each month with a self-addressed envelope attached. You are more than welcome to send your donation in that envelope, or you can mail us a donation at any time at 310 E. Houston Harte, San Angelo, TX 76903.
When can I volunteer?
Our office hours are from 8am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday and from 8am-12:30pm on Friday, and meal delivery time is between 10am-12pm. However, some volunteer positions can be done at home or after hours during the week or on weekends (during daylight hours). It all depends on what volunteer position you choose.
What are the requirements to qualify as a volunteer?  Are there age requirements?
For meal delivery drivers, volunteers must be at least 16 years old with valid driver's license and insurance information. For other types of volunteer positions, age is not a factor. We have volunteer opportunities for all ages - from 1 year old to 100!
What if I don't have time to deliver meals, but I still want to help?  Are there other ways I can volunteer?

We also have volunteers who help in our kitchen, office, with events, and from home. For more information about these types of volunteer positions, please call our Volunteer Director, at 655-9200.

How often would I need to volunteer?

Most of our meal delivery volunteers drive once a week, but some drive twice a month, or even once a month, depending on their schedule. Other types of volunteer positions vary on times needed. You can volunteer as often or as seldom as you'd like. For information about a specific type of volunteer position, please call our Volunteer Director at 655-9200.

Do meal delivery drivers always deliver the same route?
Not always. We have three types of meal delivery drivers - regular, substitute, and emergency. Most of our regular drivers do have the same route each time they deliver. Substitute and emergency drivers can choose specific routes they would like to help with or they can choose to help with any route we have available.
I don't really know my way around.  Can I still help?
We provide highlighted maps for each route to help drivers find their way around town. We also sequence each client on each route to make delivering easier.
What if I can't deliver or volunteer on a day I was scheduled to?  Can I cancel?
Yes, you absolutely can. We have substitutes on standby for volunteers who have to cancel. We understand that sometimes a meeting, appointment, or trip might come up. All we ask is that you let us know as soon as possible so a substitute can be found. Please either call us at 655-9200 or go to our homepage under "Current Volunteers" to fill out the substitute request form at least two full business days in advance.